Global Gospel Work
The foundation “Wereldwijd Evangelie Werk” (WEW – Global Gospel Work) aims to initiate, promote and fund Christian and humanitarian work on a global basis. We support projects that ensure that people all over the world can hear the biblical message and experience faith building in meeting around God’s word. In addition, we help people earn a living by providing training and employment opportunities. In this way, we are working on a healthy basis for further development.
Our donors
Our fund consists mainly of donations from members and churches of the “Christelijke Gemeente Nederland” (CGN – Christian Church Netherlands), a religious community with a biblical view on personal Christian life and a Christian church life. With their gifts, our donors want to contribute to making the biblical message and the building of faith that they themselves experience from meeting around God’s word accessible to their fellow human beings, all over the world.
CGN is part of the international denomination Brunstad Christian Church.
International cooperation
The WEW Foundation works together with the international denomination Brunstad Christian Church to support international evangelization projects that meet the objectives of WEW..